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MetLife TakeAlong Dental
PPO or HMO/Managed Care Program Questions

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We are currently offering a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) program nationwide as an individual dental insurance policy. A Dental HMO/Managed Care program is available to residents of California, Florida, New York and Texas.

The monthly rate is calculated based on your residential ZIP Code.

The choice is yours. Your monthly premiums can be paid by credit card or bank draft. At time of enrollment, you will choose how you want to pay. Other payment frequencies are also available.

Yes. You may elect to change your Dental program on the policy renewal date or at any other time. However, you must apply for a new policy in order to become insured for another coverage option. If you do not apply for a new policy within 60 days of the date you request to end this policy, you may not be eligible to apply for a new dental policy from MetLife or there may be time restrictions on when you may apply for a new policy.

Yes. At time of enrollment, you are able to elect coverage for your dependents. If you decide after the policy takes effect that you would like to enroll additional dependents, you simply need to provide MetLife with advance written notice along with any required premium. After we receive your written notice to add dependents, your premium rates will be adjusted as of the date insurance takes effect for the newly added dependent(s). The effective date of insurance for newly added dependent(s) will depend on when we receive notice and required premium.

If you are enrolled in one of the individual Dental programs, the policy may end for non-payment of premiums, or if MetLife or the applicable affiliate stops renewing individual dental policies in the jurisdication in which the policy is issued. MetLife will provide 60 days advance written notice if discontinuing an individual dental policy.

Preferred Dentist Program - PPO

A participating dentist is a general dentist or specialist who has agreed to accept negotiated fees* as payment in full for covered services. Negotiated fees typically range from 30% - 45% less than the average charges in a dentist’s community for similar services.

*Negotiated fees refer to the fees that in-network dentists have agreed to accept as payment in full for covered services, subject to any copayments, deductibles, coinsurance and benefit maximums. Negotiated fees are subject to change.

You can find the names, addresses, specialties, languages spoken and telephone numbers of participating dentists in a given area by searching our online directory – Find a Provider .

You can use any licensed dentist. However, if you visit an out-of-network dentist you may have higher out-of-pocket costs than if you use a dentist that is in-network. In most states, the TakeAlong Dental programs have maximum allowable charges that in-network providers have agreed to accept as payment in full for covered services*. We pay a percentage (% varies by type of procedure) of those agreed upon charges, and you are responsible for the remaining balance of those charges. In most states, out-of-network benefits are also based on a percentage of the maximum allowable charge. If you visit an out-of-network dentist, in addition to any applicable deductible, you would be responsible for the percentage of the maximum allowable charge that MetLife does not pay (the coinsurance amount) as well as for the amount of the out-of-network dentist’s fee that is in excess of the maximum allowable charge.

* Maximum allowable charges refer to the charges that in-network dentists have agreed to accept as payment in full for covered services, subject to any deductibles, copayments, coinsurance and benefit maximums. Maximum allowable charges are subject to change. In most states, out-of-network benefits are also based on a percentage of the maximum allowable charge.

To find out more about covered services, go to the Dental Program Option page and enter your zip code to see the programs available in your area. NOTE: Services started under another policy or plan do not carry over to these programs – check with your dental carrier to be sure all services associated with that policy or plan are completed before enrolling in TakeAlong Dental.

If your dentist does not participate in our network, and you would like to encourage him or her to apply, ask your dentist to visit, or call 1-866-PDP-NTWK for an application. The website and phone number are for use by dental professionals only.

A pretreatment estimate is requested before you get care. Your general dentist or specialist sends MetLife a plan for your care and asks for an estimate of benefits. We recommend that you or your dentist request a pretreatment estimate for any service(s) that may cost more than $300. This often applies to services such as crowns, bridges, inlays and periodontics.

To get an estimate, simply ask your dentist to submit a request online at or call 1-877-MET-DDS9 (638-3379). You and your dentist will receive a benefit estimate – online or by fax – for most procedures while you are still in the office. Actual payments may vary depending upon plan maximums, deductibles, frequency limits and other conditions at time of payment.

Dentists may submit your claims for you, which means you have little or no paperwork. You may also download a Dental Claim form. Just fill out the participant portion and have your dentist complete the rest. Either you or your dentist can submit the form, and benefits are paid to you, unless you have arranged for them to go directly to your dentist. Your completed claim form should be mailed to MetLife Dental Claims, PO Box 981282, El Paso, TX 79998-1282. You can also fax your form to 1-859-389-6505.

You are able to track your claims online at and even receive email alerts when a claim has been processed. Once your claim is processed, you will receive an Explanation of Benefits statement.

The time it takes to process a claim depends on its complexity. Most claims flow through our system quickly and efficiently, with 90% being handled within 10 business days. If additional information is needed for a claim, it may take up to 30 days.

Dental HMO/Managed Care Program (Available to residents of CA, FL, NY and TX)

This Dental HMO/Managed Care program is designed to support you in maintaining and improving your oral health, providing coverage on hundreds of procedures. There are no deductibles or annual maximum, making it easier for you to receive the preventive care you need to help avoid more costly procedures.

Depending on your program, you may pay for dental care in one of two ways:
Copay: You pay a set dollar amount (copayment) associated with each covered procedure at the time of service.
Coinsurance: At the time of service, you are only responsible for the difference between the dentist’s contracted fee and the amount covered (“covered percentage”) for each covered procedure. For example, if fillings are covered at 90%, and the dentist’s contracted fee for this service is $100, your out-of-pocket cost will be $10.

For a full list of covered services including information on any limitations and additional charges for certain procedures as well as what is not covered by the program, please refer to the Schedule of Benefits located on the Dental Program Options page. You will need to enter your zip code to view the programs available in your area. Or you may find the program information in the printed enrollment material.

Yes. At the time of enrollment, you will select two participating dentists. This will help ensure you are able to receive the care you need if your first choice is unable to accept new patients. The participating dentist you select at enrollment will provide your routine dental care. You may schedule an appointment with your dentist anytime after your program’s effective date.

Every dentist in the network has been thoroughly screened prior to acceptance. Participating dentists are also subject to audits, including onsite visits to the dental offices. You can find the names, addresses, specialties, languages spoken and telephone numbers of participating dentists in a given area by searching our online directory – Find a Provider.

Yes. You and your enrolled dependents may each select different participating dentists and may change dentists as often as once per month. You can change dentists for you and your enrolled dependents online at or by calling Customer Service. Your transfer will be effective the first of the following month. Please note: any requests made after the 25th of the month will take effect the first of the second following month (e.g., a facility request change made on March 28th will go into effect on May 1st). You should ensure any dental work-in-progress is completed prior to transferring to a new dentist. Refer to your Evidence of Coverage included with your enrollment materials for more information.

All participating dental offices in our network provide information regarding how to obtain emergency coverage 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you cannot reach your selected participating dentist, you may receive emergency care from any licensed dental care professional. The definition of what is considered “emergency care” and other specifics can be found in the Evidence of Coverage located in your enrollment material.

This is a “self referral” program and if your selected participating dentist determines that you need the services of a specialty care provider*, you may call a participating specialist directly. With this program, you will save 25% off the provider’s usual and customary fee. You can select a specialty care provider at Find a Dentist or by contacting Customer Service through the Customer Support section on this website.

*In California, orthodontic and pedodontic specialty services require pre-approval. Your selected participating dentist will contact MetLife or its affiliate for pre-approval. Once approved, your dentist will contact you with the name of a participating specialist.

Yes. Just contact Customer Service to let us know that you would like another clinical opinion and we will provide the name of a dentist for you to see.

If your dentist does not participate in our network, and you would like to encourage him or her to apply, ask your dentist to visit for an application. The website is for use by dental professionals only.

MetLife Discount Dental Program Questions

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No, this is not an insurance program. Our discount programs provide you with discounted prices on a wide range of dental care services and products; you will pay the discounted rate at the time services are received.

First, you can find participating providers by using the "FIND A PROVIDER AND VIEW FEE SCHEDULE" page on this website or by calling (844) 263-8336. After confirming the provider's continued participation when making an appointment, members just show their membership card at the time of service. Members are responsible for paying all fees directly to the provider.

By choosing the right enrollment tier, you can include yourself and your dependents.

Yes, your program membership card can be used at any participating provider in the United States. All you need is your member ID number to receive your savings.

You can find participating providers for the discount program by visiting the "FIND A PROVIDER AND VIEW FEE SCHEDULE" page on this website or calling (844) 263-8336.

After you have successfully become a member, you will be entered into our system immediately. Simply call us at (844) 263-8336 to receive your member ID number. You'll receive your membership materials and membership cards by mail in about 7-10 business days or by email in about 2-3 business days.

If you need additional cards for your household, or have lost your card, please call Member Services at (844) 263-8336 or email us at You'll receive your membership materials and membership cards by mail in about 7-10 business days or by email in about 2-3 business days.

No, you must visit a participating dentist in order to receive your discounts.

While some ZIP code areas may have a limited number of providers, there are usually providers within a 50-mile radius of your ZIP code. You can refer a provider for participation in the network by visiting and selecting "NOMINATE A PROVIDER." The program administrator will contact the provider with information on how to apply to participate in the program. Because of the application and credentialing process, it may take 60 – 90 days before a provider is added to the network. Not all providers will agree to accept the discounted fees required by the program.

You will only receive a discount by going to a participating provider. You might try printing out a list of participating providers to share with your doctor or dentist to see if he/she could recommend any of the participating specialist locations.

If you need a membership card, please call (844) 263-8336 or email us at

You can send a copy of your bill and a written letter to MetLife Discount Dental Program, P.O. Box 2568, Frisco, TX 75034 or email us at They will investigate your inquiry, and you will be contacted regarding the findings.

Please submit all issues in writing, including a copy of your bill.

Mailing Address:

MetLife Discount Dental Program
7400 Gaylord Parkway
Frisco, TX 75034

Phone Numbers:

Phone: (844) 263-8336
Fax: (866) 688-4825

Another great feature of the discount program is your ability to select any provider from the network. You can change providers at any time, and household members can select their own providers. Call (844) 263-8336 for help finding participating providers or visit the "FIND A PROVIDER AND VIEW FEE SCHEDULE" page here

The providers will recognize the name of the network with which they participate, so when you call, it is important to use the name of the correct network. You'll find the name of your network on your ID card.

Cancellations are accepted over the phone at (844) 263-8336 or by fax at (888) 335-7330.